The readers of ‘Achieve’ are older teenagers on the verge of Adulthood between the ages of 16-19. Both males and females enjoy reading it as it caters for their life in full time education (Sixth Form) but they may also obtain a part-time job. These readers are independent and mature as they are fully responsible for their studies and lifestyle.
They want to keep fit and healthy so visit a Gym weekly and try to maintain a healthy diet but fast food/restaurants are a frequent occurrence (whether Subway or McDonald's). However they are fun, interesting and sociable and are thrilled at experiencing something new and exciting. Film/Cinema, Music and Fashion play a huge part in their lives especially on their social lives which they thrive on. Going to events, parties and concerts are top on the list on the weekend. The most common music that can be found on their Ipods would be Pop, Indie, Grime and some mainstream stuff like Rihanna's "What's my name?". If they were visiting the cinema this week they would see films such as ‘Friends with Benefits’ and ‘The Inbetweeners’ that are comedies with sexual references which the target audience most enjoy. Other genres include Action that the boys would lean towards like ‘Drive’ and the girls would opt for ‘One Day’ a romantic film. Schemes such as Student Discount and ‘Orange Wednesdays’ benefit them as they are not earning a large salary but enough to cater for recreational purposes. The type of jobs that these teenagers would have would be working as a receptionist, in restaurants like ‘Pizza Hut’ and in a shop preferably a clothing store like ‘Topshop’.
They are at the stage where compulsory education has been completed and have the option of starting full-time work but there choice to come to Sixth Form shows just how much they value education. They believe that further education is a significant factor to obtain a successful career. The two most important things to them are their friends and family who they care and rely on. They have a great understanding of who they are as a person but are also discovering more about themselves with every new experience that comes with being an adult whether that be driving, earning money or being in a significant relationship.
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