Monday, 31 October 2011


To start the Research and Planning section of the project I came up with a Concept Map. This is a brainstorm of ideas for the type of magazine I want to create. The Concept Map consists of colour schemes, features, ideas of my target audience and keywords that support my vision. This is the early stages and not all of the ideas on the map will be carried on to the final piece but I get to use this is a starting point. I can change things if an idea doesn’t quite fit in.

The genre I have chosen for the magazine is R&B (Rhythm and Blues) but will also feature the genre Soul, Jazz and Pop. I made this decision as this is the genre I enjoy the most and believe would be well received in the music magazine market. I produced a brainstorm of all the Codes and Conventions that are associated with the R&B genre. Things I researched on included: magazine covers that feature these types of artist, music video analysis, images of artists and the background of the music.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Introducing...Music Magazines!

Now begins the real task...
The topic the Preliminary was preparing me for was 'Music Magazines' which are magazines dedicated to information and features relating to music and promotes a specific culture linked to the genre of music. Also these types of magazines are a powerful promotion tool for well-known musicians promoting their latest music and up and coming acts wanting to get more attention and publicity. Different magazines dedicate themselves to different types of music (e.g. Indie/Rock) meaning that they have a unique look that creates a 'Brand Identity' and reflects the genre and attracts the reader's attention.

The tasks I must complete for my 'Foundation Portfolio' (G321) include a: Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread of a new music magazine.

To begin this process I need to do thorough research on different types of music magazines and their features as music magazines have their own conventions separate from general magazines. Also research must be carried out about the reader of my magazine to ensure I am able to fully cater for their needs. After that I will be able to go into the planning section where I will be collecting my ideas together and mainly designing rough copies.

Preliminary Task: Evaluation

Before beginning the Music Magazine task, I had to complete the Preliminary Task based on creating a new magazine for Sixth Form students. In order to do this, I had to produce a: Target Audience Profile, Mission Statement, Contents Page Mock-up, Front Cover Mock-up and a finalised Front Cover made by Adobe Photoshop. This was an important stage in creating my Music Magazine as it was like a practice run and gave me a chance discover my strengths and weaknesses. Then I had the opportunity to improve the things I wasn’t as confident in so that the real task would go smoothly.

In order to ensure my Front Cover and Contents Page was successful I had to follow the conventions that are linked with magazines:
As the model is female, to appeal to both genders I used quite dark colours to enforce a more masculine presence so that the males wouldn’t find it too girly and decide not to read it.
For the Front Cover I placed my model as the main focus smiling directly at the camera. She wore a purple jumper and held books and an iPod. I chose a medium shot and those specific items so that my magazine would connect and relate to the reader; the books show it has a heavy academic influence while the iPod suggests an essence of fun. This shows that the magazine will include articles to deal with the reader’s studies but will not take its self too seriously or be formal. The masthead is easily seen as it is large and hangs at the top of the page slightly on top of the model’s head. I used black for boldness, red on the stating letter ‘A’ and dark blue on the exclamation mark to establish the style with the reader. The colours fit with the school’s colour scheme and the red emphasises the ‘A’ almost suggesting the grade students should be aiming for/achieving. I continued the colour scheme in the text and placed majority of the sell-lines on the left-hand side as people read naturally left to right.
For the Contents Page I continued the colour scheme and font as the Front Cover for familiarity and to enhance the symbiotic link in the magazine. For easy navigation around the page, there are subtitles with a list of the items featured in the magazine, their page numbers and a couple featured pictures. I also included an Editor’s note for a more personal feel.

I would definitely say that the layout of the magazine is a strong point in the Preliminary Task. Immediately you can recognise that it is a Front Cover or Contents Page of a magazine (and of the same magazine) as I followed every convention. However when I do it again I would like to be more adventurous and maybe even challenge some conventions so it isn’t as basic. I realised that I needed to work a little bit more with Adobe Photoshop to make the final pieces completely professional like music magazines you would see being sold and have an actual photoshoot when taking the photos. There is only so much Adobe Photoshop can do and I shouldn’t rely on it to improve my photos but spend time creating a look for my model, preparing the setting and trying out different shots/styles of images.

To conclude, the Preliminary Task has shown me that I had greatly improved on Adobe Photoshop and found it easy to use the different functions since my assignment from GCSE. I found doing a rough mock-up before creating the products useful as it gave me a clear plan of the structure: where everything was going to be placed and how much space things would take-up, so when it came to the final pieces I didn’t have to make loads of decisions (i.e. ‘where I want my featured image to be’ etc). Also creating a plan for what was going to be done each session helped with good time management. The Preliminary Task was definitely a helpful process to begin my Music Magazine Task. It gave me an introduction on the products I would have to make and techniques that I will continue in the Music Magazine tasks.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover

In the Preliminary Task, as well as a Contents Page draft being produced, I had to produce a draft and finished copy of my Front Cover for my Sixth Form Magazine. I drew a draft on paper of a rough idea of the structure, fonts and colour schemes.
Then I produced the final copy on 'Adobe Photoshop'. First photos had to be taken of the primary model and any other images featured on the cover. Next I edited the photos and began to create it following conventions and my draft. Blue, red, white and black are a running theme as it fits in with the Douay Martyrs' colour scheme. Also my main image had to be edited to blend with the colour scheme and allow the fonts to be seen easily.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Preliminary Task: Contents Page

For the preliminary Task, I had to produce a Contents Page on paper of what my actual one would look like. I used the same font from the Front cover and kept the colours quite patriotic (Red, White and Blue) but also because it is the main colours of ‘The Douay Martyrs School’. I followed the conventions in order to make it effective: 50% image to text ratio. I used a large feature photo and 2 other images relating to the articles that they were placed near (e.g. a Golf ball and club next to the feature ‘Sport’) to keep readers interested. Other things I included were the date, title, feature subtitles and text and website. One convention I included that can be seen in some magazines is ‘Editor’s Message’ which is a short introduction to the issue. It allows the magazine to feel more personal and builds a relationship with the Editor and reader.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Preliminary Task: Mission Statement

Our motto is “Achieve the best from your social and school life”, that is why ‘Achieve’ the monthly magazine aims to aid you in any troubles you may face and give some words of encouragement and advice.

Aimed at teenagers who study in Sixth Form, our reader is someone who is mature, active and responsible and uses the magazine to help with some guidance which is crucial at this point (as they are deciding exactly where they want to go in life). The magazine will have a big contribution from Sixth Form Students so the reader can easily identify with situations and advice. Also it allows the magazine to become more relatable to the students lives. ‘Achieve’ will be kept quite casual/informal as it wants to succeeding in writing the truth (what every teenager is thinking).
The magazine will be distributed monthly but some months may be combined as some are shortened by half term (e.g. June/July 2011). Stands will be placed at the entrance of the Common Room to allow a clear display and easy access to the magazine. For convenience it may also be found is the Sixth Form Office and Form Rooms.

All subjects covered in the magazine will interest if not all, a large majority of the readers. Recurring/ main features in the magazine include:
o   Revision tips/Advice: allows the reader to take charge and be in control with their life. Reading about other students experiences will make the magazine more relatable.
o   Job-related articles: this includes information essential when starting/finding a job and vacancies in the local area.
o   School related articles: school events, extra-curriculum activities etc
o   Sport: Both inside of school and in the world.
o   Gossip: What’s going on with the students and in the world
o   Driving Information
o   Fashion
o   Music
o   Interviews

The Common Room is a good place to get some work done and great when you just need a break but it can become boring. So ‘Achieve’ would be something interesting and different to entertain the students in a way that also benefits their work instead of bringing a television which is just a distraction.

Preliminary Task: Target Audience Profile

The readers of ‘Achieve’ are older teenagers on the verge of Adulthood between the ages of 16-19. Both males and females enjoy reading it as it caters for their life in full time education (Sixth Form) but they may also obtain a part-time job. These readers are independent and mature as they are fully responsible for their studies and lifestyle.

They want to keep fit and healthy so visit a Gym weekly and try to maintain a healthy diet but fast food/restaurants are a frequent occurrence (whether Subway or McDonald's). However they are fun, interesting and sociable and are thrilled at experiencing something new and exciting. Film/Cinema, Music and Fashion play a huge part in their lives especially on their social lives which they thrive on. Going to events, parties and concerts are top on the list on the weekend. The most common music that can be found on their Ipods would be Pop, Indie, Grime and some mainstream stuff like Rihanna's "What's my name?". If they were visiting the cinema this week they would see films such as ‘Friends with Benefits’ and ‘The Inbetweeners’ that are comedies with sexual references which the target audience most enjoy. Other genres include Action that the boys would lean towards like ‘Drive’ and the girls would opt for ‘One Day’ a romantic film. Schemes such as Student Discount and ‘Orange Wednesdays’ benefit them as they are not earning a large salary but enough to cater for recreational purposes. The type of jobs that these teenagers would have would be working as a receptionist, in restaurants like ‘Pizza Hut’ and in a shop preferably a clothing store like ‘Topshop’.

They are at the stage where compulsory education has been completed and have the option of starting full-time work but there choice to come to Sixth Form shows just how much they value education. They believe that further education is a significant factor to obtain a successful career. The two most important things to them are their friends and family who they care and rely on. They have a great understanding of who they are as a person but are also discovering more about themselves with every new experience that comes with being an adult whether that be driving, earning money or being in a significant relationship.